In “The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures”, Postman and Powers talk about language and pictures. In this reading Postman and Powers say that Language is used to describe, evaluate and also infer things about an event. They use 3 great sentences for examples. Manny Freebus is 5’8 and weighs 235 pounds; Manny Freebus is grossly fat, and the last sentence states “Manny Freebus eats too much (Postman & Powers, 485). These are three different sentences made by different people based on what was seen, a description. Each of these sentences describe the same thing, but in completely different ways. This just goes to show the different ways in which people interpret things thru language and how they at times make false accusations based on the eye. Postman and Powers also describe pictures. “It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words” (Postman & Powers, 485.) They go on to say that pictures are a language in itself; they can represent a lot to a person. They are different from language because you actually see the words come to life; it’s like putting a face with a name. In this reading Postman and Powers also delves in on how the news controls what we see and sometimes edits the truth about a story. Instead we are blinded with moving pictures, music which takes the place of the full story. Stationary pictures, language and moving pictures can all be found in a news broadcast and may be interpreted differently than someone else. Which means you may get the same information from it that another person gets from it because everyone interprets and sees things differently.
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